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Mrs. Frederick Selmer (Katharine Torbenson)

Media TitleMrs. Frederick Selmer (Katharine Torbenson)
Media NotesMrs. Katharine Selmer, a resident of the Scandinavia vicinity most of her life, died Thursday at her home.

Mrs. Selmer was born in Sangavaar, Norway, on March 10. 1846. She was the daughter of Torben and Marie Torbenson. She came to this country with her parents in 1854 and located on a farm in the town of Helvetia, Waupaca county. Her marriage to Frederic Selmer took place in 1870. Mr. Selmer died on September 23, 1899.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Clara Kolden of the town of Iola: four sons. Anton of the town of Harrison, Waupaca county, Fred and Morgan, residing on the homestead, and William, residing at Rosholt. A daughter, Mrs. Marie Thoe, passed away on January 2, 1936, and a son, Otto, died at the age of seven. She is also survived by 12 grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren.

Mrs. Selmer was a, member of the Hitterdahl congregation from the time of its organization until her death was also a charter member of its Ladies' Aid society.

Stevens Point Daily Journal - Stevens Point, Wisconsin - February 1, 1936
Eier av original/KildeStevens Point Daily Journal
Dato1 Feb 1936
Linket tilAnne Katrine Torbjørnsen (Død)

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